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Wednesday, 3 December 2008

1st Day of Independence

Woke up at 10.45am this morning. Never had a sleep so tight for quite a while. Waking up with a real good feeling sure made my day.
Me and Hafiy spent the whole day discussing our new HPK shirt design. We came up with cool outcomes. Without wasting any time (and sementara duit elaun masih banyak ani) we went to Aewon at Ban 5 to realise our dream of having our new clothing line. Due to be done by 10th December. Can't wait! Will share with you guys about it.
I have nothing much to say actually. Here are two pictures of Hafiy, being raped by Arif at the UBD gym just before I went home to KB. Viewers discretion is strictly advised. 'Enjoy':
The moment the raping took place. It was a quickie.

Hafiy ngan bibir nya yang bibi sejurus lapas ia kana rugul. Hafiy then reached his handphone and reported the occurance to ermm..people..

So, that's all there is to it at the moment.
