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Sunday, 25 January 2009

Happy Chinese Nu Yea~!

I would like to wish all the readers a Happy Chinese New Year. Why all the readers? Not particularly the Chinese? Eh, kami semua cuti jua kali ah..Nda plang beraya banar. Its the year of an Ox. I don't know what that means but every Chinese New Year is sure about celebrating prosperity, yes?

Chinese New Year is a unique period in Brunei actually. At least that's how I see it. You wonder why? Well, it is a the period when lots of people transform their race into Chinese. "What the fuck" you wonder. I show you how:
  • This is the time when Malays play fire crackers as much as when they play during Hari raya.
  • Many Malay people also trail back to their "supposedly" Chinese roots. "Aku kan celebrate Tahun Baru Cina pasal mama ku, ia punya cousin punya nini, bini nini laki ku punya abang. Kira nya si anu atu cousin ku bah tu..........."

It may not be like the one depicted in the calendar but it's still an ox right? Ever heard of Chinese American?

And many more cases you can come up with. Anyway, I'm sorry if my blog is a lil' bit of an inconvenience to you guys at the moment. I'm still working on adjusting the font colors in contrast to the background. In the mean time. Cheer up guys. See ya!