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Friday, 13 March 2009

KB: Not Much Of A Ghost Town Afterall

It was only less than an hour to my weekly football in Seria when Hirman, Daus and Hafiiz told me that they're on their way to KB to pay Ms. Annie a visit and asked me if I wanna come along. I opted to go with them. How often would I see them coming down to KB? Tunggu raya?
Anyway, they came to KB for a good reason. Ms. Annie will soon fly off to Australia to pursue her PhD. And so kami pun minta lanja lah. But instead of going to her house, Ms. Annie told us to come to Kompleks Sukan Mumong 'coz there was a carnival going on and her family opened a stall there. Two free burgers each yo. Ahad's burger, the best home-made burger in Brunei! Pride of KB.
A group photo with Ms Annie. Apa di belakang atu kan?

There was kayak. A dollar for 15 minutes. Not bad at all.

There was also ATV ride of which all the 4 of us tried. Cool rides! Hafiiz during his take off.

Me on the Big Red Mean Machine prior to my joyride.

The need for speed was there when I was on the flat terrain.
One thing that we didn't manage to try was the flying fox. Oh well, there is always next time.