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Sunday, 3 May 2009

Rumah Moden Inda Bedapur?

Ever come across thoughts that pissed you off? Well I had. Many in fact. But of all the thoughts, this one stands out from the rest: Bini-bini moden inda payah pandai memasak. Give yourself a round of applause if you have this kind of thought. *serious stare from me*
What's with that way of thinking? It is totally unacceptable. Well, probably you girls have your supposedly own designated reasons why you don't wanna learn how to cook. Well guess what, we heard 'em all:
  • "Kami bini-bini modern, mana payah pandai memasak". Rumah moden pun inda payah bedapur kali??
  • "Alaa, suruh pulang amah memasak". Kalau macamatu baik kawin saja sama amah. It's becoz' of this kinda thought lah orang-orang tani banyak lari sama amah. Mau kamu?
  • "Makan pulang di luar. Take away kah". Duit gugur dari langit kali dang? Kan makan di luar tiap hari. Time karing makan saja nasi katok atau meggi. Baik jadi bujang inda payah kawin.
  • "Marah jua ee. Aku alum ready wa kan belajar memasak. Masih muda kali ah". Brapa lama lagi kamu muda ah. Tunggu tua kali baru kan belajar?
  • "I don't have much time to learn bah ey". No time kah atau don't wanna spend time to learn? Everyone has 24hr a day. Ada jua yang pandai belajar memasak.

So think about it once again ladies.


AsiD said...

nice one, wan..(mcm 911 jua..hehe) it is so true.. bini2 nda pandai masak mcm laki2 mati pucuk..hehe..