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Thursday, 4 June 2009

Kelmarin, Hari Khamis....

Yeserday was quite a perfect day for me as I stepped out of the house for the first time in a week. The initial plan was to play some futsal with the guys but due to some complications, I had to re-shuffle my plans and went out with my girlfriend in the morning for breakfast before joining Raihana and the rest for karaoke session.

I am never in the mood to post pictures for my blog lately but this breakfast set is an exception, especially dedicated to Amar with the message: "Ani baru perfect breakfast yoo..I had 3 items more than yours! Ada hash brownies, pancakes and chicken hams!" :p

I had a breakfast with my girlfriend at Cheezbox for the first time. It was my second though. We practically had the same breakfast set, the only differences, my lady ada a cup of orange juice and a set of toast lagi, of which we shared together :)

Joined Raihana and the gang at about 2pm, I for the first time bringing my lady along. Didn't opt to go for karaoke however, as I joined the other half to play PS2 games, namely Dance Dance Revolution (I'm still good at it!) and PES 2009. Joined them for only a couple of hours though as me and my gf had a time to catch.



Mac Blogger said...

DAMN DAMN you! hahaha