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Saturday, 11 July 2009

Random Pose, Eh, Post!

July marks the beginning of rainy season in Brunei. Room temperature is at 27 degree Celcius, although I reckon it's much cooler than indicated outside. Tu alum lagi campur ngan aircon at 17 degree Celcius tu. Now this is what I call chillin'.

"Apa Syaza ani eh, UK lagi sajuk" you might say. Bangkai banar, kalau di UK temperature below zero pun ku inda bising oi! Ani di Brunei bah!!

Alright, so I sound like I'm a bit bored. Yeah, my mind is frozen. Ain't nothing much to do when I'm at home, though I chose to spend my time this way everytime I'm home. I refrained myself from going out as much as I possibly can. Save duit bui. I'm taking this opportuniy to rest as much as I possibly can for starting next week I will be part of the working team in preparing for the orientation for the new UBD GeNext intakes. Preparation has been going on actually but only next week the real deal is about to kick off.

I find it hard to find anything relevant to post on my blog, really. Considered posting about DPMM FC results but everyone in Brunei is already well aware of their fixtures and results. Plus, let there only be one RanoAdidas, agree?

"Hey, try posting your everyday life happenings or tell everyone how your mood is (mudis?) today?" Hell no. A blog is not a Twitter. People will read too much of our everyday life up to the point where they know what they're gonna read is nothing interesting, really. Apa ada cerita pasal masalah kawan or family on the blog for the whole world to read? Inda lagi ada kawan to kusut on ka?

Oh well. What the hell, ya?