It's been a while since I last blogged. I myself have gone tired of browsing my blog with no recent update. I was just out of materials and gibberish thoughts to post out.
But yesterday night, just when I was about to blog (ada idea la sudah tu ertinya) my laptop's bluetooth device went wrong. It couldn't connect to my mobile device. Yes, I checked every settings, the pair ups and shit. Well, when things didn't work out my way, of course I bursted out. Curses dedicated to my laptop yang memang inda benyawa. But at the end of the night, I knew all the curses would reflect back at me. But yeah, when you get mad, you tend not to think. You wouldn't mean every dirty thing that you've said earlier on. But when you don't get mad, you won't get the chance to let it all out and you won't get satisfied either.
Lazy to bother what goes wrong with my computer, I opt to use my brother's lappy instead. He's off for a school outward bound in Temburong for 3 days and 2 nights. Have fun brother.
So I really had nothing to do yesterday. It's Hari Raya Aidil Adha. It's a public holiday. None of my family members are doing the korban (pasal berabis kali last year). I guess no one's to be blamed on this. First, it's Sunat to perform the korban. Second, this year's Aidil Adha coincides with the school holidays. Many, as Bruneians usually do, bring their kids and families go for vacation overseas (Miri pun ok apa).
So what I did was I went for a jog at the Lagoon in KB. Note that I jog out of boredom, not actually to keep myself fit. But I felt fine and I felt good! Jogging while listening to MP3 sure kept me going. Daus, nanti ku membali bluetooth headset jua eh. Payah bah pakai wired headset ah. Haha.. So I'm hoping more boredom to hit me so that I can jog more often. Spending too much time sitting in front of the computer is not healthy either.
Wow. Another long post. This sure makes up for my long absence. So cheer up everybody. Have a nice day. Here are some pictures, to open up your day (bagi yang baru bangun tidur tarus check blog atu la)
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