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Friday, 5 December 2008

Once Upon A Time In Miri

7.45am: Woke up. Set my alarm at 8.03am as a wake up call again.
8.03am: Woke up as the alarm rang. Went to the bathroom and took a good bath.
8.45am: Had breakfast.
9.00am: Amar called.
Amar: "Yo Wan, Mana ko?"

Me: "Di rumah, napa yo?"
Amar: "Kami sampai sudah ni di dapan rumah mu."
Me: "Hah? Ya ka? Bah bah, give me a minute or two."

I never thought that Amar, Firdaus and Nazirul would arrive on time. I expected them to get lost in search of my house. But judging from the time they took to reach my place, I bet the direction that I gave them a day before really helped a lot.

It's been seven years since I last stepped my foot in Miri. Miri is relatively a new place to me. The last time I went there we still have to cross the river by using ferry to get to the destination. Our Miri trip was a brainchild of Amar actually. Tais liur kan Starbucks alasannya. Was supposed to go yesterday (Thursday) but then Haffiz and Firdaus couldn't make it just when we're about to set the plan confirmed.

And so we went. Amar drove. It was the coolest Miri trip that we've ever had (well, any trip is a cool trip whenever you hangout with the right person). Me and Nazirul bought a pair of collared t-shirt each, Firdaus finally get to buy himself the long-sought bluetooth headset, Amar simply just to fulfil his Starbucks craving. I just didn't get to buy anything for my girlfriend for her birthday, despite after browsing 3 major shopping complexes. "Doesn't Miri have any good gift shops?" I thought to myself. So, Baby, we'll go out together and shop for our present. We exchange gifts :p

Here are what each of us achieved during our trip at Miri:

Amar: Melayan liur nya to have a drink at Starbucks

Firdaus: Bought his long searched bluetooth headset for ease of listening to MP3 while jogging di stadium. 'Dog-tag' bluetooth headset yo. Jabra brand.

Nazirul: Bought himself a collared t-shirt and a new pair of spectacles (repaired actually) and ate at KFC twice, once during our lunch and second during on the way balik which eventually led us to Crocodile Farm instead.

Me: Bought a collared t-shirt myself, the same store where Nazirul bought his.

Talking about Crocodile Farms, that's the main highlight of our road trip! Lots of us often talk about shopping at a relatively cheaper rate in Miri but how many of us have actually gone to the Crocodile Farms? Well we did, and we had hell of a great time there. Among the coolest things that we came across was the Tiung (lupa ku nama English nya) bird. Cool bird it is. The bird knows how to:
  • sing the "Kanda ku Abdul Wahab~" tune
  • say "Whoa!"
  • greet "Assalamualaikum"

As for the rest of the details, maybe Amar and Firdaus can provide you a more interesting bits and the unmentioned of our Miri trip. I provide you guys with some pictures of our road trip and give you some ideas of what we were up to. Cheers.

The long queue. Miri is always a favorite destination during the school holidays.

Ah, what is there to say? You know what that means.

American baked cheesecake of Starbucks. I give it an 8.5 to 9 out of ten. 8.5 for it being a cheesecake and for being a product of Starbucks. The missing 1.5 points is because I'm just too ego to give it a perfect 10.

Just another take as a prove that we went to Starbucks.

Just another grammatical error that I came across while browsing around in a computer shop. You can tell.

"I have a bar. Wanna have a bite?"

A croc pit would be the last place you wanna end up in.

Turkey is also one of the exhibits in the crocodile farm. It is a mini zoo as well by the way. I call this creature Queen Victoria for its majestic appearance. So arrogant yet beautiful.
Quote of the week:
"60 apa, RM ka?" - Nazirul when he asked for the price of repairing his spectacles at an optical store in MIRI!