Finally I'm back from 'hiatus' *gosh, how I hate this word.* Thought of getting back on Friday. But things didn't turn out my way. Too much to type 'em all here in a space of just one night. Too many good things went on, as much as those things I wanna criticise as well.
But wasting my time on all those I won't tonight. I just got back from my business, just checked out my blog. So many wishes that I didn't get to read and reply. I didn't get much of wishes I used to enjoy last year or the years previous. Some known reasons are:
- I no longer have a Friendster
- I don't have a FaceBook, YET
- Some of the wishes are made here!
So I would like to dedicate this post to all those who wished me well for stepping foot into adulthood, life of being a 21 year old. Thank you guys. Appreciate it. You guys sure make that cool chatbox of mine looks cooler!
I'll get back to my regular posting routine starting tomorrow. Til then, cheers everybody!
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