OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

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Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Tagged yet again..

tagged by Wani Kenit

me tag:
1. Hambri
2. Hakeem
3. Huffey
4. Enoy
5. Firdaus Mokim
6. Florance
7. Izzah
8. Safwanah
9. Raihan

How you know 1?
-time cleaning campaign skulah dulu kali

What would you do if you never met 2?
-karing lah aku..Kem, baju bila lu mau bayar?

What would you do if 3&4 dated you?
-4 maybe..3??That's so homosexual..

Would 5 & 6 make a good couple?
-They don't know each other's existance..

do you think 7 is attractive?
-She's sweet I should say..

Do you know anything about 8’s family?
-Lest I know..

Tell me something about 9.
-He's a hardcore gamer..

What language does 2 speaks?
-Malay and gibberish..

Who is 3 going out with?
-A girl named Dye? Yeah..Lurus kan bro?

how old is 4?
-Tua dah ee..21..


Who is 6 favourite singer?
-siapa Flo?

7 ?
-Oh man~!

Is 8 single?
-Oh god..I'm not sure..

What is 9 last name?

Would you consider being in a relationship with 1?
-I'm not gay..

Which school does 2 go to?

What do you like about 3?
-One of the coolest English speaking Kedayan guy I've ever met..