Last night I received a news from Azhar, our new RESCO chairman for 08/09 session. He told me to come for a meeting on 21st December regarding students of UiTM's visit to Brunei on 22-25th December. I have to attend since I'm the new RESCO secretary. Business always gets in my way during this holiday. One month holiday feels shorter than I thought it would be. To laze my ass off is not a wise option considering the important post that I'm holding right now. I don't want to put my reputation, nor RESCO's at stake such as THIS GUY. Ran amok to earn himself a place in the student council, not actually deserving it, and yet, never turn up when it comes to doing work! Very bad example for a student leader to set up and for students to follow.
Well, besides my commitment I also have a new addict during this holiday. Football Manager! Cool shit it is, really. At first I thought to myself "how fun can this shit be?" Just arranging tactics and players, buying and selling players and stuffs and watch your team win or lose. Then I found out THAT's what's fun about it. I know, I don't get it myself either. I find it crazy but I tend to get happy when I win and stress when I lose the match. At one point, I was so stressed of my endless losing streak, I resigned as a manager.
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