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Tuesday, 30 December 2008

T'was The Day Before New Year

"Haaa... Disini la tampat line kami yang kedua atu. Tapi ani lama udah ku putung.." My dad said in a loud voice as he entered my room in a blitz. What a way to wake up from your sleep. Betuah, rupanya orang TelBru datang kan memasang eSpeed. It sucks, you see, when you wake up in a hurry, or wake up because you're shocked. It's just not an ideal way to start your day. Baik jua ku inda bad mood.
"Memasang eSpeed?" you ask? Well yeah, just re-applied eSpeed. Its been a year since we cut our eSpeed off. Well, two contributing factors were:
  • My bro was having his big exam that time
  • eSpeed just sucked big times those days!

"Then how did you surf all this while?", you ask further to clarify your doubt. Well, I use internet connection jiran sebalah~! Unsecured and free.

"So it's free. Everyone likes anything that's free. Why the need to apply for eSpeed then? You know you need to pay for it." you asked, probably thinking that I'm not being grateful for the benefit that I'm enjoying for free. Well its not mine! That Why! Besides, it's not as easy as it seems. It's not easy when you're in need of internet but the connection isn't available , say when the family is out for a vacation... for DAYS!

Or, when you're just about to finish your porn download, the connection is lost! It's a pain in the neck! *its just an example just to make u understand my situation better*

So here I am, blogging, using the internet connection of my own, finally, without the feeling of guilt getting inside me.

Ok, so, anyway, I was with my dad and a couple of this TelBru dudes setting up the eSpeed modem and router. Friendly and kind people they are *well they have to, they're in my house and they're doing their work*. But what I'm not much at ease was the way they talk to me. There's this one time when one of these dude told me "Wang, router ani kuat ni. Buleh sampai ke sebalah ni, tu di ujung sana ah." and "Now, password ani penting supaya orang lain inda dapat connect arah kamu punya network." Man, he's telling a duck how to swim. He's telling me the things that I know since forever.

So much for my day on new year's eve guys. That's about it. So anyway, I'm taking this opportunity to wish the readers of my blog a Happy New Year, may all your new years resolution can be realized. Cheers!