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Saturday, 17 January 2009

Kaling vis a vis $50

Date: 17th January 2008

Location: Gadong
Time: Lepak-lepak ngan kawan

Me and my FBEPS pals were in Gadong to eat at Ahan Thai when these things that I'm about to tell you occured. We didn't have our lunch since afternoon (well, memang la afternoon kan. Nama jua lunch). We were damn hungry. Before I joined my friends at Ahan Thai I made a stop by at a kadai kaling to buy Easi! card. This is what happened:

Me: Excuse. Sini ada jual Easi card?

Kaling: Ada. Brapa ringgit bos?

Me: Lima ah?

*kaling opened the drawer to take out the Easi card*

*I then gave the cashier ('kaling' atu kasar tia jua bunyinya) a $50 note*

Kaling: Tadaa mau la bos. Lima ringgit saja.

Me: Hah??

Kaling: Lima ringgit saja.

Me: P**i jua eh!!

Then I went to a kadai runcit in pursue of Easi card. "This kaling seems nice" I thought to myself. And so goes it went something like this:

Me: Excuse, easi card ada?

Kaling #2: Oh, ada boss! Mau yang brapa punya?

Me: Lima ah?

Kaling #2: (while receiving the $50 and counting money for my change) Tadaa bley ini macam la boss....

*then eventually the kaling gave me the easi card I was in search for*

Me: Hah?? Napa plang inda buleh??

What is there in common with the two cases I told? I found out that Kaling actually have problem with $50 note. Less I know and understand why. Could it be that they thought that I buy easi card just to change my money? Well, to an extend they're right. But I just didn't have small change at that time and I was desperately in need of easi! Besides, they don't lose anything if I buy a $5 easi with a $50 note. They GAIN instead! Just give me my change back and that's all there is to it! Done! Period! Fullstop!

The two occurance really got into my nerves just now. The kaling was like pouring fuel into the flames. They're like pouring salt to my wounds. I was hungry at that time and so it was quite easi, eh, easy for me to get pissed. 

Alright folks, thanks for spending/wasting your time reading my post. More to come in the coming days. Cheers!