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Thursday, 15 January 2009

Semester Kick Off

Finally I'm home. The start of the new semester kicked off with full of fun and craze, with lots of particular highlights in between. There couldn't be any other better way to start the semester. It is just bester than the best (what I'm saying is it is just the best way to start the semester, only better)

Nothing beats the feeling of reuniting with your friends in the campus and having to start each class freshly (out from oven! Nada wah). Well, awal-awal andang nya plang, semua tah kan besemangat. But hey, when else should you feel so damn motivated and full of drive if its not in the early weeks of the semester?

What I've learnt so far since the semester reopens? Well, there are quite a few things tho'. Some are academical. Most aren't.

  • I learnt that there are no universally accepted definition of a population policy. Not even UN can define!
  • There are no academic terms for the word 'horny'
  • That Firdaus Mokim's new nickname is Akon
  • Hafiiz's nickname is 50 cents
  • Hirman's childhood nickname was Hirboy
  • Hirman's current nickname is LL Cool J
  • I just knew that the world's most populated nation is China, not actually Lambak Kanan

So much that I have learnt in a space of 4 days. Well, I think that's about now. The gate to Dreamland is now open and I'm going there. See ya! 

Quote of the day: Aku mau hot milo. Tapi bagi ais ah.
-Ejat during dinner at Sotorindu