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Thursday, 8 January 2009

The Successful Story Behind 'Kepala Gundul'

Finally the wait is over. The UBD exam result is out. To those who did as well as you expected or way beyond your expectations, then congrats! But to those of you who did far below your par, perhaps have to sit for a supplementary exams or even fail straight away, trust me, I best know how it feels like. Good luck with it.

Last two semester, I failed my first year course, Quantitative Methods. It involves calculation, which is never my cup of tea. So I sat again for the exam for this course. I made a promise, or to be more precise, a 'nazar' that if I were to pass my QM this time, I would go bald (well at least I call it bald 'coz I never cut my hair and lose 'em til this much. Oh well, perhaps even bald is subjective. Bald to one may not be the case for others..ANYWAY!). So I passed my QM finally. Not the best of result but hey, I failed the course before, meaning I'm not good at it and I know I never will. But I got over it in the end. It's not easy to rise back from the ashes. It's not easy to pick up where we left off. I survived the prospect of being kicked out of the faculty and having to go back to year one if I opt to continue my study in other faculty. Alhamdulillah. Ya Allah, nazar ku telah ku sempurnakan. So, below are a couple of takes of how I look like with my new relatively gundul hair!

From the rearview. The sumpak di atas tu is my scar. Bakas tehantuk di biding tingkap time lumpat-lumpat time damit dulu. Sumpak di tangah-tangah tu is simply 'coz my hair don't grow at that part. I still wonder why.

So I closed 2008 with a high note and started my 2009 positively. Next thing I wanna look forward to? FBEPS Deans Cup Futsal Tournament! Wohoo! Alright folks. That's all there is to it for now. Til then, see ya!