OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

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Sunday, 1 February 2009

Saturday Episode 1: The Fun Part

I was hanging out at Hafiiz's with my FBEPS pals yesterday for a weekly gaming gathering. Oh, you know, PES '09 and Rock Bands. Typical games for typical youngsters. Crazy gathering it was. We had a mini league of 6 teams. Hey, my Inter Milan came last with only a point, scoring four goals and conceded eleven! I have strong arguments for this ok?
  • I don't have a PS3.
  • I play Football Manager now so I no longer get used to 'play' on the field. I sit and watch.
  • ......Alright, my friends are all good at this game!

Half-time scoreline. Nazirul (Brazil) and Amar (Man City). Baru ko tau Mar. Hehe..

The sweet curry puffs Hafiiz's mom served us.

We then left at about 5pm. I really had fun with these guys really. Nazirul, Firdaus, Hafiiz, Hirman and Doze are all funny fellows. But at the end of the day, it was Amar who came the funniest (refer quote of the day)

Quote of the day:

Buzz question: Gajah terbang dengan apa?

Amar's answer: Dengan Dengan kapal terbang kali..

Correct answer: Dengan susah-payah

-Amar as he tried to answer one of the silly questions in Buzz quiz.

*Syaza is currently watching Discovery Channel with the hope of coming across a Flying Elephant documentary.