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Friday, 6 March 2009

Yet Another Injury

No, aku bukan mangsa dera ibu tiri simply 'coz I don't have a stepmother. And no ani bukan nya iklan promo boxer atau seluar jeans (God, I really need to sort out of how to gain weight. Sebatang kara bah badan ku ah).
Here is just a picture of the recent injury that I just had this afternoon during my weekly football at Seria. So here is how I got it. I played a role as a defender today. Di pendek kan cerita, I was running towards our goal posts as it was unguarded while the opposition was in pursue of their next goal. I did manage to stop the ball from coming into the net, only to find myself hitting the goal posts and the ball finally getting into the net. Shortly after that, the game ended. It's a victory for us, a casualty for me. Due to my heroic but vain effort, I hurt my left rib.

Quote of the day: "Ko lari ke pintu gol atu behapa Za? Kan ko bawa lari kali pintu gol atu?"