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Saturday, 7 February 2009

Gloomy February

This year's Chinese New Year has been largely overwhelmed by the heavy downpour that we are currently experiencing, although forecasts suggest that the rainy season is heading towards its end. Flash floods and landslides make up the daily headline and front page news. Recently, kaki orang kana gigit buaya pun ada. Baik jua inda mati.
We are now in the month of February. And couples are now looking forward towards 14th February for obvious reason. Valentine's Day! Wohoo! It is the only day of the year that couples and lovers around the world celebrate love. Alright, up to this point, I'm cool with Valentine's Day. What bothers me really, is the fact that Valentine's Day is as hotly celebrated as it is in the Western World. And yang menyambut Valentine's Day ani sadly, and mostly are our Muslim brothers and sisters, which is totally wrong.
True, it is a beautiful and romantic day as it is always meant to be with hotels and stores offering special offers, packages and discounts (if I were a business owner I would take an advantage of this day too) but seriously Bruneians, it is just not the day that we are encouraged to anticipate along. We can always go out with out beloved for a monthsary (seriously do we have this word in a dictionary or we just come up with this term?), anniversary, or a birthday dinner.
I just hate the fact that we share this supposedly 'special day' with all couples in the world, which to me, makes it less special.
Brothers and sisters. This unusually bad weather that we're experiencing probably has a message lies within. Maybe ani bala yang diturunkan Allah SWT with all these floods and casualties on public and private properties. A warning of not to go out to celebrate Valentine's Day perhaps?
"Kan berceramah tia pulang si awang ani macam orang alim saja" you might probably say. Fine. I may not be a pious guy. I may be a sinner, probably just like you, probably worse. But heck yeah this is just my honest ways of delivering my discontent towards something. One thing I'm very sure is that celebrating this day is not our thing and is religiously and culturally wrong. And to those Malay Bruneians that still insist to go out and wanna get screwed on Valentine's Day, this is my kind message for you:
You accidentally bit your tongue? Nyaman ko!